From september 11th to about the 20th there is a event in Allgäu - Bavaria called "Viehscheid" this is when
the Cows come down from the Huts on high ground, where they have grazed for the summer getting fat. On the Viehscheid
the cows are separated from each other, the Herdsman calls out the name of the owners and each owner takes care of
his cows. There is always a big party when the cows come down, with a large beer-tent, orchestra playing and so on.

Here we are in the small community called "Schöllang" it lies between Sonthofen and Oberstdorf. Here you
can see the Herdsman with a "Kranzkuh" a cow with a a headdecoration. This decoration is put on if this
special "Alpe" hasn´t had any accidents in the summer. The Viehscheid in Schöllang is always on the 12th of
september each year.

This is the place where the cows will be sorted.

A young herder with a decorated Kranzkuh, and dressed in the usual Lederhosen and white shirt. Down below: Here
is a cow with a large bell. Usually the cows have small bells, but during the Viehscheid they have to carry large bells,
the larger the better. There is a quite lot of sound when about 300 cows with large bells are walking towards you.