In the vicinity of Beilenberg are 3 huts, Sonthofner hut, Beilenberger hut and Altstädter hut.

Above is the mountainside with the three huts. Sonthofen Hut is the lowest to the left, Beilenberg Hut in the middle
and Altstädten hut to the right. At Sonthofen Hut and Altstädten Hut you can get something to drink and eat all summer.

At the left you can see Sonthofner Hut and in the back is the mountain "Grünten".

Here is the Beilenberger Hut, in the summer a herdsman lives in the hut and tends the young cows grazing the fields,
earlier 60 young cows where by the hut, the last years there´s only about 35 left.

This is MAX he is a former herdsman at the Beilenberger Hut. He was up there in the middle of the 80`s. Most of the
herdsmen in the huts are real originals, smoking their pipes and telling their stories. This picture is taken in september
1998 and he is about 85 years old here.

Here is Altstädter Hut with the town of Sonthofen in the back, in the front 3 friends of mine.